Most Anticipated Gaming Console

Sony PlayStation 3: Why It Is the Most Anticipated Gaming Console in the Market Today

Sony is dubbed as one of the leading manufacturers of gaming consoles in the market today. The PlayStation and PlayStation 2 is one of the most popular gaming consoles in the market and many households all over the world own at least one of these gaming consoles.

Besides, with stunning and realistic graphics and sound technology, who wouldn't want to play with it? The PlayStation and PlayStation 2 took the world by storm upon its release and many people are still buying these gaming consoles today, because of its latest graphics and sound technology that will definitely make you feel as if you are really part of the game itself. Aside from that, PlayStation and PlayStation 2 also have a wide library of popular gaming titles that will surely get you glued to your seats for hours.

Today, the widely anticipated gaming console, also developed by Sony, named PlayStation 3 is already very popular even before its official release in the market. It is a fact that many people are now making preorders or reservations to ensure them ownership of this widely eagerly awaited console to be released on November 2006 in Japan and North America, and March 2007 in Europe and Australasia. You may now ask what sets the PlayStation 3 apart from its predecessors and other gaming console in the market today.

PlayStation 3 is integrated with the latest in graphics and sound technology that will give gamers one of the best gaming experiences of their lives. Sony promises that PlayStation 3 will change the way people will look at gaming consoles of the past. This particular gaming console has features that are not found on any other gaming consoles released in the market before.

First of all, PlayStation 3 has two different configurations, the basic and the premium configuration. Here are some of the features that PlayStation 3 has and why this particular gaming console is widely anticipated by many people worldwide:

Basic Configuration:

Cell Broadband Engine CPU
Memory: 256MB XDR Main RAM, 256MB GDDR3 VRAM
20GB Upgradeable HDD
4 USB 2.0
Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR)
Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T)
Wireless Bluetooth Controllers
Blu-ray/DVD/CD Drive

Premium Configuration:

Cell Broadband Engine CPU
Memory: 256MB XDR Main RAM, 256MB GDDR3 VRAM
60GB Upgradeable HDD
4 USB 2.0
Memory Stick/SD/CompactFlash Slots
Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR)
Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T)
IEEE 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi
Wireless Bluetooth Controllers
Blu-ray/DVD/CD Drive

As you can see, the difference between the two configurations is that the premium configuration has more features, such as built-in Wi-Fi, larger HDD capacity, and has Flash Card readers.

You will also see that it has the Blu-ray disc drive. This particular disk drive is the next-generation in media format that will deliver high definition entertainment. The Blu-ray disc is very much like when the DVD disc was compared to CDs. Today, the Blu-ray drive is integrated in the PlayStation 3 to let you experience high definition gaming that is not found on any other gaming consoles available in the market today.

In other words, Blu-ray Disc will allow game developers to express their creativity more by allowing more storage space for game data. This means more realism and also more quality for your Blu-ray games.

So, if you are considering buying a new gaming console, you would want to consider PlayStation 3 as one of your choices when you go shopping. Aside from the sleek-looking outer shell, it will also give you a quality gaming experience that you have never experienced before from other gaming consoles that were introduced then.

Expected Retail Prices for PlayStation 3: Your Shopping Guide for the Upcoming and Eagerly Awaited Gaming Console by Sony

You may think that your gaming console is obsolete and you want to purchase a new one before the year ends, this will serve as your gift to yourself for the holidays and also a gift for your children if you have them.

One of the most anticipated gaming consoles today is the PlayStation 3 by Sony. Sony is widely known in the gaming console world and is also the company that gave the world the Sony PlayStation and the Sony PlayStation 2. Today, many people are now waiting for the official release of PlayStation 3 in the market this coming November 2006 in Japan and in North America.

You can expect that people will be shopping early for the holidays for this much-anticipated gaming console. In fact, many people have preordered or made reservations for PlayStation 3 before it has even hit the shelves of PlayStation retail outlets. This is to ensure them ownership of a PlayStation 3 upon the official release of the gaming console in the market.

Because the PlayStation 3 is one of the keenly anticipated gaming console in the world today, you can expect the PlayStation 3 to be flying out of the shelves as soon as the retail outlet opens. If you purchased a PlayStation 2 upon its official release, you know how difficult and frustrating it is to buy one. With people crowding over the shelves, it will be really difficult to get one. You would want to avoid going through this again.

So, as mentioned before, in order for you to avoid going through the early holiday PlayStation shopping rush again, it is a very good idea that you should preorder or make reservations for your own PlayStation 3 in retail outlets in your local area. Or, you can always wait a little while until things settle down and you can go to the PlayStation 3 outlets without having to go through the difficulty of getting your own PlayStation 3.

However, if you really want to have your own PlayStation 3 as soon as possible, you might as well call your nearest PlayStation 3 retail outlet and make reservations. This will ensure that you get a PlayStation 3 gaming console even before it is officially released in the market.

Of course, you would want to know about the price of a PlayStation 3 before you buy. The latest gaming consoles tend to be expensive and you definitely want to know if it is worth your time and your money for the PlayStation 3.

First of all, there are two configurations of PlayStation 3 that is going to be released in the market. These two configurations are the basic configuration and the premium configuration. The basic configuration costs US$499 while the premium configuration costs US$599. These prices will be implemented in the United States. Other countries differ in prices, such as US$480 for the basic configuration and US$580 for the premium configuration in Canada.

PlayStation 3 prices vary from country to country, but you should also know what the difference is between the basic configuration and the premium configuration. In the basic configuration, you will get a 20GB upgradeable hard drive, a Blu-ray drive, HDMI port, and one Bluetooth controller. In the premium configuration, you will get a 60GB upgradeable hard drive, a Blu-ray drive, HDMI port, one Bluetooth controller, silver-colored trim, built-in Wi-Fi, and flash card readers.

As you can see, the premium configuration offers more features than the basic configuration, hence the difference in prices. If you want to know more about PlayStation 3, you should try and visit the PlayStation 3 website at Here, you will find complete information about the PlayStation 3 gaming console features and also about the benefits you will get when you play with it.

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